Recruits Wanted!
Have an interest in history, the War Between the States, or just reenacting? Do you like dressing up in 19th Century era clothing and playing soldier? Do you enjoy eating food cooked over a campfire? Do you enjoy sitting and talking around a campfire? Do you enjoy talking to the public about history? If 'yes' to any of the above questions,new people are encouraged to apply for potential membership.
Company A is always looking for more members to help tell the story of the 7th VA and the War Between the States. Please visit our "Contact Us" page and send a message to us. We will respond to you as soon as possible. It is also highly recommended that you attend one of our events as a spectator and come meet us.
Potential soldiers are preferred, but civilians are welcome too. While civilians do not have the ability to become members, you may still attend some events with us. Family members are welcome!
Requirements: The age requirement varies. Generally, a person must be at least sixteen in order to attend battle reenactments. For smaller events such as ceremonies and living histories, the age can be as young as fourteen. There is no maximum age limit, however all persons are expected to be able to participate in most activities. Regardless of age, new persons must be in good physical health. Reenacting is a very physical activity (portraying a soldier from 1861-1865) and events will take place in all types of weather. Most events take place on weekends, so it is recommended that all persons have most weekends free.
--Note: The above age requirements are to become a 'soldier'. People with an interest in period music are also welcome. If interested, a person can become a musician for the unit. Acceptable options include Bugler, Drummer or Fifer. Experience with a bugle or drum is recommended. Interested persons should become familiar with period marching music. The minimum age for a musician is generally twelve years old. Participants will be expected to purchase period authentic bugles, drums or fifes.
***Any minor under the age of eighteen must have parental permission to join and participate with the company at events. An exception is made if their parents are members or wish to join the company as well***
Civil War Reenacting can be quite expensive. New prospective members are not required to have purchased anything before their first event. In fact, it is recommended that new people have very little to nothing as far as equipment. Company A is fortunate to have a significant amount of equipment available. New prospective members will be loaned company clothing and equipment for use at events. Additionally, active members may have extra gear that can be borrowed as well. The person(s) will be expected to actively maintain the borrowed gear. Once a person becomes a Full Member, they will be expected to finish purchasing the basic equipment.
Please see the "Probationary Member" page and the "Basic Equipment List" page for more details about expectations.
If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask us.